Re: [announcement] Longwell 1.1 released

From: <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 18:03:05 -0800

Ryan (et al);

Thanks for the new release, and for addressing the threestore/3store question I posted before. Many of the new features were on my personal wish list (so I am quite happy to see them). There's an issue I was having with 1.1 that is primarily due to 3store/my data and not Longwell. However, I thought I'd try to briefly (hopefully) post what I was seeing, as it relates to when literals without a language assigned are displayed.

After moving from 1.0.1. to 1.1 (and changing the relevant configuration files), literals (such as foaf:nick) no longer displayed. (For the curious, I mention below what data I tested with.) This appeared to be a result of changes between svn rev 477 and 478. I worked around this by adding 'disp:lang "all"' to config.n3 after 'disp:BrowserConfiguration'. What seemed to be happening was:

1) Multiple language types were not present and therefore detected, so the language selection box was not activated.
2) The default language was set to en (sometimes automatically, sometimes manually by me for testing)
3) No literals were found with the default language, so none were displayed.

All as it should be, except for the literals with no language assigned. Based on the comment "it defaults to all languages displayed if none is set. If one is set, only literals with no language assigned or the default language will be displayed." (, I thought perhaps language-less literals would be displayed. However, I think the code dealing with this is in LocalFacetModel:91-98 or RemoteFacetModel:128-133, and it appears to test for ((default language not null) OR (default language equals object/literal language) OR (default language equals any)). (Although there might be a difference between the Local/Remote).

Sorry for the long post about such a small thing (I'm still practicing being both succinct and complete) - I can adjust either way, I'll just alter my datasets as needed.

Thanks again for Longwell/Simile. I've found it a very useful.

-Yvette Chanco

1) Datasets/testing
After seeing the issue with my own, test, data (which has no language assigned to any of the data), I switched to the longwell "people" demo data. I imported it to 3store and compared it to the same view of the data in the default (file) configuration. I also tried the tr data a few times, and also imported all the ontologies into 3store. For my browser I primarily use Firefox 1.0 on a Debian box, but I also periodically tried Safari on OSX. Looking at the foaf.rdf data after it was imported into 3store, it was clear that language information in statements such as "<name xml:lang="en">Dean Jackson</name>" was not being imported, which is why this is predominantly a 3store, not a Longwell issue.

(You can see that the language-less literals do not appear on the demo data on the simile site if you know what the underlying data looks like and test the various language selection options.)

2) Also, if there was a facet restriction, the label did not appear, only the uri. However, this appears to be unrelated but also a 3store, not Longwell, issue.

>From Ryan Lee <> on 9 Feb 2005:

> The SIMILE project is happy to announce the 1.1 feature and bugfix
> release of the Longwell web-based RDF browser. New features include
> language selection, run-time addition of data via URIs, and continual
> web harvesting through scuttering. Bugfixes include correcting Knowle
> and repository errors.
> Get it from
> and find out more about Longwell from
> Longwell 1.1 is running behind all of the online demos found linked from
> the main Longwell page.
> Note that the bundle configuration file syntax has changed slightly to
> use the rdf:List shorthand instead of rdf:Seq; bundles created for
> previous releases of Longwell will need to be modified to match the new
> syntax. See the revised User's Guide
> Thank you.
> --
> Ryan Lee
> W3C Research Engineer +1.617.253.5327
Received on Fri Feb 11 2005 - 02:02:30 EST

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