AW: AW: Data coin doesn't show up (was: Piggy-Bank 2.0 beta release)

From: Svensson, Lars <>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 16:20:08 +0200

In litteris suis de Dienstag, 24. Mai 2005 16:20, David Huynh
<> scripsit:
> Ah yes, you do need to restart Firefox after installing any extension
> for that extension to really be installed. That's not Piggy Bank
> specific.
Well, in this case I had to restart three times... Doesn't matter as
long as it works now.
> Enjoy.

> Svensson, Lars wrote:
>> In litteris suis de Dienstag, 24. Mai 2005 13:32, David Huynh
>> <> scripsit:
>>> Lars,
>>> Could you try to open the Javascript console of Firefox (Tools ->
>>> JavaScript Console) and see if there is any error?
>> Well, some were there, but non related to Piggy Bank.
>>> All those pages you mentioned should cause the data coin icon to
>>> show up. Don't worry about absolute or not absolute URIs.
>> Don't ask me why, but I closed Firefox, started again, and - lo and
>> behold - the data coin was there! I'll start exploring tomorrow (in
>> Europe it's time to go home now...)
>> Thanks a lot for your prompt replies!
>> Lars
>>> Svensson, Lars wrote:
>>>> In litteris suis de Dienstag, 24. Mai 2005 00:07, Eric Miller
>>>> <> scripsit: [...]
>>>>> Additional details regarding Piggy Bank including installation
>>>>> guides, usage scenarios, technical documentation and ways in which
>>>>> you can help contribute to this work are all available on the
>>>>> Piggy Bank Home Page:
>>>>> -
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm following the Piggy Bank project (and other simile activities,
>>>> too) as a silent participant. When I saw Erik's announcement, I
>>>> installed the newest version of Piggy Bank in Firefox 1.0.4
>>>> [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de-DE; rv:1.7.8)
>>>> Gecko/20050511 Firefox/1.0.4] started the browser again, and surfed
>>>> to to collect some
>>>> data bits. No Data Coin. On to
>>>> No Data Coin, but
>>>> some info saying, that I need to have absolute URIs in my web page
>>>> to make the link work (which the simile pages don't). On to
>>>> , where the links do have absolute URIs. No data coin. Am I doing
>>>> anything wrong?

Dr. Lars G. Svensson
Die Deutsche Bibliothek
Informationstechnik / Projekt DDC-Deutsch
Tel.: 069 / 1525 - 1752
Received on Tue May 24 2005 - 14:18:34 EDT

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