Re: A bit of bomb throwing....

From: Zack Rosen <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 13:13:32 -0800

Also, there is this

RDF Metadata Module

The rdf module allows you to apply RDF statements to content nodes,
specifying any number of relationships between different documents or
URLs. Relationships are modelled on the Dublin Core Metadata
definitions, and can support arbitrary Ontologies (descriptions of
the meanings of relationships).


On Jan 18, 2006, at 12:19 PM, Zack Rosen wrote:

>> - A lot of academics generate code, but it's a means to doing
>> research, not an end of itself.
>> - I was talking about stereotypes. A lot people straddle both
>> worlds to some degree, and plenty of academics like to write cool
>> apps that make users happy. Stefano said SIMILE is a mix of
>> academic and developer. That mitigates some of the risks I
>> mentioned but it doesn't erase them.
>> Maybe it would help if you were more specific about what you are
>> envisioning. It seems like your vision of the Semantic Web is not
>> the common one (as far as I can tell). I'm considering a couple of
>> uses of Semantic Web technology that have very little to do with
>> Drupal's application space, so I don't really get why you say that
>> the "Drupal community is pursuing the same concepts as the
>> semantic web".
> Drupal supports many different application spaces: blogging,
> community, collaboration, social networks, ecommerce, workflow,
> etc. There are hundreds of contributed modules.
> Many of these modules pursue semantic web _concepts_. Here are
> some links...
> The SXIP module implements an authentication hook for the Sxip
> Networks identity network. This will allow a Drupal site to share
> users with any other site that also implements SXIP logins.
> Aggregator2
> Aggregator2 allows for the collection and display of RSS and ATOM
> feeds as first class nodes withing the Drupal framework. Now the
> content offered by RSS need not be limited to side blocks or static
> display units as is presently the case with Drupal and almost all
> other CMS applications.
> Publish
> The publish module allows you to create channels which other Drupal
> sites may subscribe to using the subscribe module. Both push and
> pull publishing models are supported. Communication between the
> publishing and subscribing sites is accomplished via XML-RPC.
> This module is under development but testing and feedback are welcome.
> Subscribe
> The subscribe module allows you to subscribe to channels which
> other Drupal sites publish using the publish module. Both push and
> pull publishing models are supported. Communication between the
> publishing and subscribing sites is accomplished via XML-RPC.
> (Upcoming) Node relations API
> To pursue collaboration between this research community and the
> Drupal community I would recommend starting by finding a pilot
> project that fits squarely in Drupals' application domain that can
> be implemented in a straightforward manner (i.e. requires no core
> changes).
> -Zack
Received on Wed Jan 18 2006 - 21:13:09 EST

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