Re: A bit of bomb throwing....

From: Rickard Öberg <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 22:48:32 +0100

Zack Rosen wrote:
> Exactly. But the roadmap for creating the semantic web currently relies
> upon these enterprise or 'industry' adopters to take the concepts and
> implement them. This simply isn't happening for these obvious reasons.

Methinks there has perhaps been too much "convincing" and not enough
"showing". 'tis fixable.

> Which developers conference are you referring to?

In the short term, Nordev, and I was just invited to speak at TSS-JS in
Barcelona and intend to do a Semantic Web presentation there as well.

Here's a link about last years Nordev, and which might give you a hint
at the kind of approach I use with these kinds of topics:

It has a lot to do with "showing" and not "convincing" and even less
"ostriching" about current problems etc.

Received on Wed Jan 18 2006 - 21:48:11 EST

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