Timeline.HotZoneGregorianEtherPainter class

A hot-zone Gregorian ether painter is just like a Timeline.GregorianEtherPainter, except that it also handles the hot-zones of a hot-zone ether.


The constructor of Timeline.HotZoneGregorianEtherPainter takes an object whose fields (listed below) specify initialization settings for the ether.

required, a theme object that stores default visual settings. In fact, some visual settings can only be set in this theme object.
required, one of the Gregorian calendar unit defined in Timeline.DateTime, e.g., Timeline.DateTime.WEEK. This argument specifies the interval at which ticks and labels are painted on the band's background outside the hot-zones.
optional, one of "Left", "Right", "Top", and "Bottom", specifying which edge of the band markings are drawn. By default, markings are drawn on the bottom edges of bands in horizontal timelines, and on the right edges of bands in vertical timelines. This setting overrides either the hAlign or the vAlign field of theme.ether.interval.marker.
optional, a boolean specifying whether full lines (from edge to edge)should be drawn at regular intervals. This setting overrides theme.ether.interval.line.show.
required, an array describing the hot zones. Each element of this array is an object with the following fields:
required, a String or a Date object that specifies the beginning date/time of the zone. It is parsed by Timeline.DateTime.parseGregorianDateTime() to get a Date object.
required, a String or a Date object that specifies the ending date/time of the zone. It is parsed by Timeline.DateTime.parseGregorianDateTime() to get a Date object.
required, one of the Gregorian calendar unit defined in Timeline.DateTime, e.g., Timeline.DateTime.MINUTE. This argument specifies the interval at which ticks and labels are painted on the band's background inside this hot-zone.
optional, default to 1. A label is painted for every multiple of unit. For example, if unit is Timeline.DateTime.MINUTE and multiple is 15, then there is a label for every 15 minutes (i.e., 15, 30, 45,...).
Note that you can and should use the same array you use to initialize the corresponding hot-zone ether. Doing so avoids mistakenly define different zones for the ether and the ether painter. For each element in the zones array, specify the union of fields: startTime, endTime, magnify, unit, and (optionally) multiple.


Here is an example of constructing a hot-zone Gregorian ether painter:

new Timeline.HotZoneGregorianEtherPainter({
    theme: Timeline.getDefaultTheme(),
    unit: Timeline.DateTime.DAY,
    zones: [
        {   start:          "Fri Nov 22 1963 00:00:00 GMT-0600",
            end:            "Mon Nov 25 1963 00:00:00 GMT-0600",
            unit:           Timeline.DateTime.HOUR,
            multiple:       3
        {   start:          "Fri Nov 22 1963 09:00:00 GMT-0600",
            end:            "Fri Nov 22 1963 21:00:00 GMT-0600",
            unit:           Timeline.DateTime.MINUTE,
            multiple:       15
The ether painter paints a label for each day except during November 22, 23, and 24, 1963. On these 3 days, a label is painted for every 3 hours, except from 9am to 9pm on November 22 when a label is painted for every 15 minutes.

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