Re: citeline bugs?

From: David R Karger <karger_at_MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 17:01:30 -0400

So, it is nice that one can download the html.
It links to data in citeline.

But suppose somebody wanted to source the feed from their bibtex file on
the web, so they can keep it up to date without going back to citeline?
Does it makes sense to expose citeline's bibtex converter "babel style",
allowing the author to specify a link that tells citeline to go get
their bibtex file from the web and convert it on the fly? Or to just
integrate the bibtex converter into babel itself?

Suppose I've already made a json pubs file on the web. Can I use
citeline's exhibit editor to create a visualization that points at it?

MacKenzie Smith wrote:
> Interesting. I just cut and pasted your bibtex into a clean text file
> called 'Karger.bib', fired up, uploaded the file, and
> got a beautiful exhibit from it. I downloaded it and dropped it into
> my athena locker, and voila:
> yes there is some bad bibtex in there... see the errors in the display.
> I have sometimes gotten a blank exhibit when I had a pre-existing one
> and citeline got confused.
> Try 'signing in and claiming your exhibit' and delete anything that's
> there.
> If that doesn't help then I have no idea what's wrong...
> MacKenzie
>> I'm going to demo citeline to a bunch of colleagues tomorrow. I tried
>> throwing in a bibtex file and got a blank exhibit. Quite likely that
>> there are bugs in the file, but not having any feedback is a bit
>> distressing---people won't know what to do next.
>> bibtex attached.
Received on Wed Sep 24 2008 - 17:01:30 EDT

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