Chris Bizer wrote:
> Hi Ryan,
>>1. :myGroup fresnel:stylesheetLink <http://...> .
See my reply to Emmanuel.
>>2. :labelLens
>>It was unclear to me during implementation how to interpret a label lens
>>that's more complex than one property. What happens when something like
>>the following is submitted to a Fresnel engine?
>>:foafPersonLabelLens rdf:type fresnel:Lens ;
>> fresnel:purpose fresnel:labelLens ;
>> fresnel:classLensDomain foaf:Person ;
>> fresnel:showProperties ( foaf:name foaf:mbox ) .
> Then this lens is used for labelling, meaning that a person is
> labelled/represented with its name *and* mailboxes (which makes sense if I'm
> having 10 Millers)
> If the label lens is used together with FOAF knows then something like this
> could be rendered:
> Name: Chris Bizer
> eMail:
> knows Ryan (
> Emmanuel (
I tend to agree with Emmanuel; absent any instruction from the Fresnel
directives, those parentheses don't belong in the output. My question
was about the meaning in a vacuum, and I think an intuitive answer is to
simply string values of distinct properties together with spaces. If
you want more, you can say more, as Chris demonstrates below.
>>Is each implementer going to be left to determine how to concatenate
>>multiple property values on their own? Multiple values for one property?
>>Though... does this look reasonable (abbreviated lens)?
>>:foafPersonLabelLens fresnel:showProperties (
>> foaf:name
>> [ rdf:type fresnel:PropertyDescription ;
>> fresnel:property foaf:mbox ;
>> fresnel:valueFormat [
>> fresnel:contentBefore "(" ;
>> fresnel:contentAfter ")" ;
>> ]
>>) .
>>If it does, should we include it as an example somewhere?
> I think we are still trying to somehow striclty seperate between selection
> (lens) and formating (format) and I would thus prefer.
> :foafPersonLabelLens fresnel:showProperties (
> foaf:name
> [ rdf:type fresnel:PropertyDescription ;
> fresnel:property foaf:mbox ;
> fresnel:use :mboxFormat .
> ]
> ) .
> :mboxFormat rdf:type fresnel:Format ;
> fresnel:valueFormat [
> fresnel:contentBefore "(" ;
> fresnel:contentAfter ")" ] .
> or even
> :foafPersonLabelLens fresnel:showProperties (
> foaf:name
> [ rdf:type fresnel:PropertyDescription ;
> fresnel:property foaf:mbox .
> ]
> ) .
> :mboxFormat rdf:type fresnel:Format ;
> fresnel: propertyFormatDomain foaf:mbox;
> fresnel:valueFormat [
> fresnel:contentBefore "(" ;
> fresnel:contentAfter ")" ] .
> Without the hardcoded link between the two.
> I think we really shouldn't mix selection and formatting/styling!
Right, good point. Can we include your example somewhere?
>>3. Searching for sublenses
>>Section 2.5 discusses using FSL to search Fresnel for a sublens. Aside
>>from being outside of core, this feels like an odd capability since FSL
>>is normally used to query the data being Fresnel'ed. This raises
>>questions of consistency. Also, the introspection aspect of using FSL
>>on Fresnel seems like it would force implementers to consider their
>>Fresnel information as a navigable RDF model in addition to whatever
>>else they do with it. They should anyways, but it's... weird.
> This example is in the manual to show how Haystack functionality could be
> emmulated. Therefor moving it should be discussed with David Karger.
Getting David's time is not an easy task. I've spoken with him briefly
and let him know the vocabulary will be re-released for his review,
which he agreed would be better for him than trying to review our
discussions on the list.
Our decision on this matter should also be placed in the vocabulary,
perhaps with blaring notices to him if we decide something other than
what's currently there.
Emmanuel and I are for leaving it aside for now. Completely aside from
the functionality, I believe it's not core because it relies on FSL.
> Cheers and a nice weekend.
Likewise (we have some vacation coming up in the US... :)
Ryan Lee
W3C Research Engineer +1.617.253.5327
Received on Fri Jul 01 2005 - 15:31:00 EDT