- "device independence"
- AW: AW: Final review of the manual
- AW: AW: Fresnel instance and class lenses and lens specifity function
- AW: AW: intermediate representation
- AW: AW: Pending vocabulary issues
- AW: catchup thoughts
- AW: Final review of the manual
- AW: Fresnel instance and class lenses and lens specifity function
- AW: FSL and subclass/subproperty relationships
- AW: further proceeding
- AW: intermediate representation
- AW: Pending vocabulary issues
- AW: Reading through vocabulary - 1
- AW: Sample Fresnel XML output
- AW: still stuck on requirements
- AW: Styling class proposal
- Cannot make Fresnel Implementation Working
- catchup thoughts
- classFormatDomain + propertyStyle
- Final review of the manual
- Finding Fresnel data
- fresnel & swing in gnogno
- Fresnel command line prototype
- Fresnel future
- Fresnel implementation for Jena
- Fresnel implementations
- Fresnel instance and class lenses and lens specifity function
- Fresnel newbie usage question
- Fresnel selectors
- Fresnel vocabulary question
- fresnel:*Format
- fresnel:externalLink instead of fresnel:url ?
- FSL and subclass/subproperty relationships
- FSL datatype URI
- FSL engine for Sesame
- FSL for Jena & IsaViz
- FSL implementations and documentation
- FSL parser and API
- further proceeding
- intermediate rep
- Longwell 2.0 + Fresnel
- Manual updated for core vocabulary
- Pending vocabulary issues
- Pending vocabulary issues + further proceeding
- rdf or xml?
- Reading through vocabulary
- Reading through vocabulary - 1
- Reading through vocabulary - 2
- Reading through vocabulary - 3
- roles
- Sample Fresnel XML output
- selecting among display choices
- Several fixes in the Fresnel ISWC paper
- Some lessons from Longwell
- SPARQL Selectors
- still stuck on requirements
- Styling class proposal
- Synchronizing core.owl with the documentation
- test
- Update FSL draft
- Using fresnel:FormatDescription ?
- Using fresnel:FormatDescription again
- weekly report
- What are the benefits of the stylingHooks?
- Last message date: Tue May 02 2006 - 09:02:21 EDT
- Archived on: Thu Aug 09 2012 - 16:40:51 EDT