For those of you wanting to experiment with using Fresnel to style data,
a partly-functioning prototype can now be checked out of our Subversion
This is a Sesame-based implementation. Call it on the command line using:
./ -n3 file:///styling.n3 -rdf -rdf
The output will be an XML tree; an XMLSchema describing the output tree
form is on its way (see next message). You can put a '-debug' flag
first in the argument list to get a text rendering of the interpretation
of your Fresnel declarations instead of XML.
Missing features:
- True N3 parsing (it's Turtle)
- FSL support
- Proper label lens support (does some, but not well)
- Strict vs. lax warning handling
I can deal with bug reports and issues, but I can't provide real user
support. There's no guarantee now that the output you get from one
revision will be the same as the next.
Ryan Lee
W3C Research Engineer +1.617.253.5327
Received on Thu Sep 08 2005 - 20:25:04 EDT