Andrew Green wrote:
> El lun, 28-11-2005 a las 08:46 +0100, Emmanuel Pietriga escribió:
>> Andrew Green wrote:
>>> Emmanuel:
>>> How far along are you in the implementation of Fresnel Display
>>> Vocabulary for Jena and IsaViz? Have you designed any API's yet? Any
>>> skeleton code for classes? General sketches of how the implementation
>>> will work?
>> I've been focusing on FSL until now, providing implementations for Ejna,
>> IsaViz and Sesame. Now that I'm done with it, I'll spend my "Fresnel
>> time" on implementing the core lens and formatting vocabularies in IsaViz.
>> I plan to reuse as much of the code Ryan wrote as possible, though I
>> probably won't be able to reuse it "as is", as IIRC it is written for
>> Sesame. But migrating it to Jena should not be too difficult (I did it
>> the other way around for the FSL engine, and if you take a graph
>> perspective on the Sesame repository, the Sesame API is fairly close to
>> Jena's).
> OK. In the Simile subversion repository, under fresnel I see a "trunk"
> that runs with Sesame, and under "branches" I see "jena-base", and a
> version that apparently runs under Jena. How do the two versions in CVS
> compare? Is the Sesame version more complete, or are they roughly equal
> in functionality and maturity?
At the point I felt it was approximately functionally complete, I made
the leap from developing on Jena to developing in Sesame. I don't know
how to quantify the differences in features now, but the branch occurred
in August, and I've made bugfixes and added features (like FSL support)
in Sesame that weren't rolled back into the Jena version, which I no
longer support.
> This is of course not a "request" for an implementation... I was just
> wondering how whatever I do might best contribute to Fresnel development
> in general.
I think almost any development you do at this point would be valuable.
If you can improve on existing codebases, that would be great; if they
aren't re-usable enough, that would also be extremely useful to know.
> When I have something to show I'll let you know, and if any of our work
> is useful to you... After all, it's all free software...
Indeed. Thanks for joining in.
Ryan Lee
W3C Research Engineer +1.617.253.5327
Received on Mon Nov 28 2005 - 20:56:40 EST