Re: Eliminate Piggy-bank web server + bank protocol scheme

From: Stefano Mazzocchi <>
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 15:48:10 -0500

David Huynh wrote:
> I know how to eliminate the web server of piggy-bank :-) Just write a
> protocol handler, like this one:
> This should make the piggy-bank xpi smaller and firefox load faster.


> The question is, is this just a hack or a hack that leaves room for the
> bank architecture to grow in its own way, unconstrained by http?

I would *strongly* suggest to avoid reinventing wheels.

> What's the name of the protocol scheme? "bank:"? "semantic:"? "semweb:"?
> (I think Mozilla already has an rdf: scheme) Like in these:
> bank://local/...
> bank://
> What should go after ...?

SSSSSh, TimBL is going to slap you if he hears this! ;-)

> What about peer-to-peer bank data sharing? Can I point to your piggy-bank?
> directly: bank://your-machine-ip/...
> indirectly: bank://!your-user-id/...
> What semantics do we need to integrate into these URIs? Federation
> sources, UI format (XUL vs. HTML), etc.?

One thing at a time, David. We have a lot of things to work on already,
now we have control of the client... but remember the empty <img> tag in
Mosaic story, let's not bite more than we can chew.

Stefano Mazzocchi
Research Scientist                 Digital Libraries Research Group
Massachusetts Institute of Technology            location: E25-131C
77 Massachusetts Ave                   telephone: +1 (617) 253-1096
Cambridge, MA  02139-4307              email: stefanom at mit . edu
Received on Wed Feb 02 2005 - 20:47:45 EST

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