Re: longwell "Referring Resources"

From: Ryan Lee <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 11:14:06 -0400

Jon Crump wrote:
> The problem simply evaporated. (I left the owl:sameAs statement only in
> the authorities.n3 file. Jena drew the correct inference, and longwell
> correctly displayed it as two equivalent resources.) It would seem that
> the longwell 'referring resources' code expects dc:creator to be used as
> a property. Not a bug, a *feature*, yes?

Hi Jon,

Thanks for trying to cover for us :) but the problem was with the
owl:sameAs statement, not with the type - I don't know of any engine
that would actually fault you for using a property as a class since in
the Semantic Web open world, who knows, maybe that actually makes sense
somewhere. You'll find in Knowle that the sameAs statement only runs in
one direction, which is why one referring resource will show instead of two.

I've committed a fix for it, but we're not really working on Longwell
1.x at the moment, so I don't anticipate making a release that
incorporates the change. Are you working with the repository code or
with the packaged archives?

You may want to consider moving to Longwell 2.0 when we can incorporate
the configuration option available in Longwell 1.x.

Ryan Lee       
W3C Research Engineer    +1.617.253.5327
Received on Tue Jun 14 2005 - 15:12:09 EDT

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