Re: Haystack and Eclipse 3.1

From: Daniel S. Haischt <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 14:55:30 +0100


are you on a Windows box or on some kinda Unice?

On Unices there's an issue with some native libraries...

Svensson, Lars wrote:
> Hi again,
> Does Haystack currently only work on Eclipse 3.0? I tried to install it
> on Eclipse 3.1.0 but got a NPE when trying to open the perspective. I'm
> not familiar with the API changes between Eclipse 3.0 and 3.1, so I
> can't really help there. Anyone else?
> Thanks
> Lars

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / With kind regards
DAn.I.El S. Haischt
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Received on Thu Jan 12 2006 - 13:55:35 EST

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