> > As far as this PREFIX problem is concerned, I haven't given it much
> > thought yet. Did we agree on how to declare these in Fresnel? I don't
> > think so.
> Something else for the issues list then. I thought we had tentatively
> agreed on what's in the examples, that every FSL expression would have
> to carry PREFIX information with it. I don't recall if our other
> alternatives were still under consideration.
The current status is, that you can include prefixes into the FSL expression
or have a central declaration attached to a group.
The solution proposed in the FSL docuemnt that a processor can use
declarations from the RDF/XML document is not valid, because there isn't
anythink like an RDF/XML document in RDF abstract syntax.
Received on Sat May 21 2005 - 07:07:53 EDT