Re: Manual updated for core vocabulary

From: Emmanuel Pietriga <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 15:26:18 +0200

David R. Karger wrote:

> > > note that x:classLensDomain is actually redundant syntactic sugar
> > > since you could always take whatever selector identifies the class,
> > > wrap it in a "instances of this class" selector and use
> > > :instanceLensDomain instead.
> >
> > Yes, exactly, (B) is the same as (C).
> >
> > Yes, B and C are same. My point was that we might want both---nice
> > syntactic sugar---for the same reason that we have classLensDomain as
> > syntactic sugar for certain instanceLensDomain constructs.
> classLensDomain is not exactly syntactic sugar. If it were just that, I
> would have been strongly opposed to it. It was introduced because when
> considering only simple selectors, Chris wanted to be able to express
> domains as "instances of a class whose URI is ..." (most common use
> case) but also as "instance whose URI us ...".
> Something you can do easily with FSL without having to disambiguate the
> expression's intepretation by using different terms
> ({instance,class}LensDomain), but which is impossible with simple
> selectors. That's why this class vs. instance domain distinction was
> introduced.
> I still think it is confusing and making Fresnel more difficult to
> understand, but I also appreciate the fact that we need it, though we
> need it only because browsers are not required to support FSL, but only
> simple selectors.
> this is a helpful clarification. it does suggest to me that the
> naming is not quite write: as it stands, it reads as "this is an
> instance lens whose domain is..." whereas, from above I think what you
> want to say is "this lens applies to the following instances".
> Probably too late to be talking about names, but how about
> appliesToInstanceOf or forInstanceOf or appliesToResource or forResource
> appliesToClass of forClass
> Less mathematical sounding, but probably easier to remember

We have:

instanceLensDomain, classLensDomain

Would the following be better?

lensInstanceDomain, lensClassDomain

Emmanuel Pietriga
INRIA Futurs - Projet In Situ    tel : +33 1 69 15 34 66
Bat 490, Université Paris-Sud    fax : +33 1 69 15 65 86
91405 ORSAY Cedex FRANCE
Received on Tue Jul 19 2005 - 13:26:14 EDT

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