RE: FW: [Jena-devel] FYI: New CVS module: BRQL

From: Butler, Mark <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 16:06:53 +0100

Hi David

Here is a clearer explantation - sorry I should have included it originally.
At the moment in Longwell we do queries like this in RDQL (hence
RDQLLocalModel being slow)

WHERE (?a , rdf:type , vra:Image ) ,
         (?a , vra:subject, vraTopic:Architecture_artist)

then we query each member of ?a serially e.g.

foreach uri in ?a
  SELECT ?b WHERE ( uri , ims:aggregationlevel, ?b)
  SELECT ?b WHERE ( uri , vra:subject, ?b)
  SELECT ?b WHERE ( uri , vra:creator, ?b)
  SELECT ?b WHERE ( uri , art:topic, ?b)
  SELECT ?b WHERE ( uri , art:geographic, ?b)
  SELECT ?b WHERE ( uri , dc:subject, ?b)

but in BRQL we can replace this with a single query e.g.

WHERE (?a , rdf:type , vra:Image ) ,
         (?a , vra:subject, vraTopic:Architecture_artist)
OPTIONAL (?a, ims:aggregationlevel, ?c) ,
         (?a, vra:subject, ?d) ,
         (?a, vra:creator, ?e) ,
         (?a, art:topic, ?f) ,
         (?a, art:geographic, ?g) ,
         (?a, dc:subject, ?h)

so for example for one of the demos, we query for ARTstor, VIA and OCW
objects. In BRQL this will require 3 queries, as there is no support for OR


-----Original Message-----
From: David R. Karger []
Sent: 29 July 2004 15:23
Subject: Re: FW: [Jena-devel] FYI: New CVS module: BRQL

Mark, this is quite interesting. Following the example from your previous
does jena support queries of the form

foreach uri in ?a
  SELECT ?b,?c where (uri, ?b, ?c)
                     and (?b = rdf:type or ?b=ims:aggregationlevel or
                          ?b = vra:subject or ?b = vra:creator ....)


Though perhaps not the easiest code to read, this does appear to get what
you want in one query....
Received on Thu Jul 29 2004 - 15:07:11 EDT

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