Re: Querying and caching with large datasets

From: Stefano Mazzocchi <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 10:18:13 -0500

David Huynh wrote:
> Jeen Broekstra wrote:
>> [snip]
>> Well, to be honest, we would of course encourage you to use Sesame 2,
>> since that is where your development can do the most good for us and for
>> other Sesame users. Then again, you are more familiar probably with how
>> Sesame 1 works, and we still do plan to do a few Sesame 1.x releases.
>> Also, keep in mind that Sesame 2 is Java 5 only, which may be a problem
>> for you (I understand that for Piggybank it is a problem as MacOSX still
>> does not ship with Java 5 per default).
> I'm very tempted to upgrade to Sesame 2 for Piggy Bank, too... All the
> new features of Sesame 2 are quite irresistible.

Agreed to the fact that Sesame 2 looks much more attractive than Sesame
1 (also because of being, effectively, a quad store now), was looking
into it last night. I also like the notion of stackable repositories a
lot and a query caching layer makes perfect sense (since we need it as

> For MacOSX users of Piggy Bank, do you have any objection?... The Java
> Embedding Plugin for MacOSX supports Java 1.5 if you have Tiger:

... but I have to be against this, at least for the trunk and for now.

java 1.5 on macosx is incredibly buggy, especially when coupled with
10.4.4 (the latest update, never experienced so many OS/app crashes
since I hit update on that, grrr).

Also, users will have to be subscribed to the apple developer connection
to download it and install it, clearly not something that we want our
users to have to go thru.

Sure this yet another reason to decouple the javascript side of
piggybank from the java side and when that is done, I would be much more
inclined to migrate longwell over to Sesame 2, also because if we run it
on a server, we are very much likely to run it with java 1.5 with no big

That said, running Sesame 2 on a mac is out of the picture right now and
I given the political friction between Apple and Sun, it might take a
long while to get a reasonable java 1.5 in every mac out there, so we
need to plan for that.

Stefano Mazzocchi
Research Scientist                 Digital Libraries Research Group
Massachusetts Institute of Technology            location: E25-131C
77 Massachusetts Ave                   telephone: +1 (617) 253-1096
Cambridge, MA  02139-4307              email: stefanom at mit . edu
Received on Mon Jan 23 2006 - 15:17:42 EST

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