Chris Bizer wrote:
>>Chris Bizer wrote:
>>>>What are we aiming to accomplish by then?
>>>>- concensus on Fresnel goals
>>>Maybe it would be good to write down the requirements again and have people
>>>agree to them first. Afterwards they should be frozen. What do you think?
>>Yes. We should probably centralize this through a document stored in
>>SVN. It is hard to do that only through the mailing list.
> I was thinking about this again.
> My impression is that Ryan, Emmanuel and I are agreeing on the requirements.
> I don't know about Stefano, but it also seams that he is currently busy with
> finishing Longwell and we shouldn't exprect too much input from him in the
> next couple of weeks. Stefano right?
I won't speak for someone else, but I think his message [1] should set
your expectations for his participation until further notice.
> The only point where we disagree is the way to fulfill the requirement "It
> sould be possible to use CSS styling instructions together with Fresnel". So
> I'm wondering if we really should spend time on writing down all
> requirements again or just skip this phase, which would save us 2 week in
> the overall process and give Emmanuel more time to contribute to the paper.
> What do you think?
I think that's basically the root of contention, yes.
>>>>- finalize terms
>>>Which means that we have to take two decisions (maybe by voting):
>>>- Do we keep the name 'style' or do we use another name?
>>I haven't found anything better.
>>>- Do we stick with the box model as described in the current spec or do we
>>>use Ryan's proposal for attaching CSS for now?
>>That depends on what requirements we agree on.
> As I said in my other mail. I think Ryan's proposal is still incomplete on
> how to assign CSS classes to resources, properties, labels and values inside
> Fresnel. So maybe some time should be spend on finalizing the details of
> this proposal, so that we can decide between it and the box model.
> I think it would also be good if Ryan and Stefano would closer align their
> ideas now and come up with a joined proposal, so that we avoid having a
> third proposal from Stefano in a couple of weeks when we are already in the
> later stages of our timeline.
I doubt that will happen, but I'll run this by him to check.
Ryan Lee
W3C Research Engineer +1.617.253.5327
Received on Tue May 24 2005 - 22:02:06 EDT