Hi Ryan and Emmanuel,
I'm back from Crete and I'm following the discussion again.
> >
> > If Chris is amenable to our discussion direction thus far, I'll send out
> > a revised proposal. As we said, requirements agreement should come
> > first so we don't get bogged down in technical discussions that will
> > ultimately go unused.
As I said before, I agree with the requirements that Emmanuel send last
> Ok.
> FYI, I am currently working on my Java-based FSL selection engine. My
> goal is to have an API that builds a programmer friendly representation
> of FSL paths in Java from the AST generated by ANTLR. The objects
> composing this API could then easily be specialized (subclassed) or used
> in any other way so that one could actually perform selection on various
> representations of RDF model. For instance, I am more interested in
> evaluating an FSL path against a Jena model, while you seem to be more
> interested in doing so against a Sesame repository.
> Hopefully, the implementation work required to actually evaluate the
> path against a specific kind of repository/model/... should be small.
> I hope to be done with the generic API at the end of next week.
I also spoke with Hannes in Crete. He is still working on his Fresnel PHP
implementation (including simple naming, lens core and the current style
core from our spec) and hopes to be able to publish his code very soon.
Have a nice weekend.
> Emmanuel
> --
> Emmanuel Pietriga
> INRIA Futurs - Projet In Situ tel : +33 1 69 15 34 66
> Bat 490, Université Paris-Sud fax : +33 1 69 15 65 86
> 91405 ORSAY Cedex FRANCE http://www.lri.fr/~pietriga
Received on Sat Jun 04 2005 - 20:44:25 EDT