----- Original Message -----
From: "Ryan Lee" <ryanlee_at_w3.org>
To: <fresnel-dev_at_simile.mit.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: Using fresnel:FormatDescription again
> Chris Bizer wrote:
>> Hi,
>>>Chris Bizer wrote:
>>>>Thinking further about it, we could also get rid of the format
>>>>at all and attach the content properties directly to the format. Two
>>>As we are no longer using a box model, then it is likely someone might
>>>want to describe how to separate properties, making this change
>>>unworkable (i.e., it will not be clear which content is being separated,
>>>values or properties).
>> Right, I didn't think about this option.
>> But as we are diferanciating between formatting and styling now and as
>> the
>> contentX properties clearly belong to the formatting part, I think they
>> shouldn't be used on valueStyle or propertyStyle properties.
>> So what do you think about using valueFormat and propertyFormat (or a
>> similar term) in oder to make the difference clearer?
>> Example:
>> ex:bla rdf:type fresnel:format;
>> fresnel:formatDomain foaf:mbox;
>> fresnel:valueFormat [ fresnel:contentBetween ", " ] ;
>> fresnel:valueStyle "boxCSS" .
> That seems fine to me and also takes away one of the major blocks between
> being OWL Full and OWL DL.
I have updated the documentation with fresnel:valueFormat,
fresnel:propertyFormat, fresnel:resourceFormat and coresponding examples.
Please review.
>>>See my last message on what to do with resourceStyle, which will affect
>> The decision to wheater to move resourceStyle(Format) really depends on
>> how
>> minimal we want to keep the core vocab. I would like it minimal and thus
>> leave resourceFormat in the extended vocab.
> I don't feel this is minimally complete. To allow the styling of
> everything except the resources seems arbitrarily limiting, regardless of
> the number of terms it would introduce, and I suspect both Emmanuel and I
> will want it available in our applications anyways. My code will
> certainly be interpreting resourceFormat in some form or other, whether
> it's in core or not.
Great. I also like to format everything and don't remember why foramtting
resources ended up in the extended vocabulary. I moved it back to core in
the documentation. Please review.
> --
> Ryan Lee ryanlee_at_w3.org
> W3C Research Engineer +1.617.253.5327
> http://simile.mit.edu/
Received on Tue Jun 28 2005 - 09:24:49 EDT