Chris Bizer wrote:
>>> What I don't like is the *only* in "[secondaries] will only be shown as
>>> sublenses". I thought about primaries more as additional hints that a
>>> browser might use to decide which classes make good starting points.
>>> Thats's
>>> why I would prefer a softer formulation in the text.
>>> Do I understand this right?
>> That is the intent I had, yes. What would a hint do, in your view?
>> How would you decide to follow or not follow the hint? It seems to me
>> we should keep from indeterminate or unexpected results as much as we
>> can - if I say something, I expect it to happen. If I don't, then let
>> the browser decide.
> OK.It's just that I saw primaries as additional information a browser
> might use or might not use. But this is accutally true for all terms in
> Fresnel, so we can also write something strict and implementers who
> don't like it just ignore the whole thing.
> I have put a placeholder for the description of primaries into the
> documentation. Ryan: Could you please update it.
Done; Emmanuel, this is the only part of the vocabularly I touched in my
commit. Hopefully it won't cause you too much grief for conflict
Ryan Lee
W3C Research Engineer +1.617.253.5327
Received on Thu Jun 30 2005 - 20:34:53 EDT