I am in agreement with what Emmanuel wrote here.
(no other text)
Emmanuel Pietriga wrote:
> Chris Bizer wrote:
>> Sorry, I really don't get this.
>> If there is no stylesheet link then there has to be a *predefined set
>> of CSS
>> classes* that all format authors have to know. Right?
> No. That's the point. If I understand Ryan's view, CSS class names from
> the Fresnel point of view are just hooks that can be convenient to use
> by people who might want to do CSS styling of the output. The are
> convenient because they offer a coherent "tagging" scheme of elements of
> the output that can easily be exploited for creating CSS (or SVG, or
> even other) styling rules.
> So there is not "predefined" stylesheet that everybody has to load,
> parse and apply. There might be some indication of where a stylesheet
> that uses these might be found, but it is not mandatory to process it.
> Ryan, correct me if I'm wrong in my interpretation.
>> Where is this set of classes coming from? Are we defining it? I hope not.
> No.
>> The question if every browser has to render CSS stylesheets from external
>> sources is separate from the question if this construct is in the
>> language.
>> Even if I decide that my browser should ignore all external stylsheets, I
>> need the possibility to declare my "FOAF-knows-the-way-I-like-it" CSS
>> class
>> and tell my browser where to find the stylesheet that contains the
>> definition of this class.
>> Do you want to hardcode this ????
> No I don't think so. fresnel:stylesheetLink still exists, but it's no
> longer core. Basically, only formatting, but no styling is left in core
> (except for the hooks by themselves).
> Again, Ryan, correct me if I'm wrong.
Ryan Lee ryanlee_at_w3.org
W3C Research Engineer +1.617.253.5327
Received on Tue Jul 05 2005 - 16:52:55 EDT