Ryan Lee wrote:
> Problem(s)
> ==========
> We have resourceFormat, propertyFormat, labelFormat, and valueFormat for
> controlling where to add extra content in the box model. Our current
> specification is that resourceFormat can be used only with
> classFormatDomain and instanceFormatDomain and the other three can be
> used only with propertyFormatDomain. While this does work, it presents
> different interpretations of what a *Format property does.
> valueFormat deals with all the child values (nodes) of the selected
> property, but labelFormat deals with the specific label of the selected
> property (it could technically be considered both since there are never
> multiple labels). One deals with children, the other with the 'current'
> graph position.
> propertyFormat and resourceFormat are presently interpreted as
> 'current.' It might be useful for users if there were a mechanism for
> adding extra content to 'all.'
> Proposals(s)
> ===========
> A) Ryan's Preferences
> 0. Add labelFormat (concensus here)
> 1. Allow all *Format properties to be used on a fresnel:Group.
> These properties will be ordered with respect to properties
> used on a fresnel:Format as being 'outside' those properties'
> directives. e.g.,
> [ a fresnel:Group ;
> fresnel:propertyFormat [ fresnel:contentBefore "+" ] ] .
> [ a fresnel:Format ;
> fresnel:propertyFormatDomain "foaf:knows" ;
> fresnel:propertyFormat [ fresnel:contentBefore "[ " ;
> fresnel:contentAfter " ]" ; ]
> fresnel:labelFormat [ fresnel:contentAfter ":" ] ] .
> would result in "+ [ knows: ... ] + name ..." in textual form
> (where ... is some node value).
> 2. Mint new term to reflect the difference between dealing with
> the 'current' position and children for properties. Use
> fresnel:allPropertiesFormat in conjunction with class- and
> instanceFormatDomain.
> Also :allResourcesFormat for :Group? Or even :all*Format
> exclusively for :Group use? Or 'child' instead of 'all'?
I prefer 'all'.
> 3. Ordering / conflict:
> - Consider formats dealing with children to be a frame outside
> of the box, not interfering with the actual box. E.g., an
> allPropertyFormat on a resource will place its content 'outside'
> of every property, and if any property has further specific
> directives from a Format, those contents go inside the
> allPropertyFormat frame. The two do not influence one another.
I'm not sure I like this idea of having one more box. In my mind,
all*Format and group-level declarations are just a convenient way of
declaring formatting properties that apply to many things once and for all.
> - Consider formats for a Group to be the outermost frame around
> the box. Again, they do not interfere with one another.
Same thing.
> - Only allow one instance of any *Format predicate on a given
> FormatDescription.
We could. But in that case, should we type format descriptions more
> - instanceFormatDomain directives take precedence over
> classFormatDomain.
> 4. Disallow use of :contentNoValue in conjunction with resource-
> and valueFormat.
Emmanuel Pietriga
INRIA Futurs - Projet In Situ tel : +33 1 69 15 34 66
Bat 490, Université Paris-Sud fax : +33 1 69 15 65 86
91405 ORSAY Cedex FRANCE http://www.lri.fr/~pietriga
Received on Fri Jul 08 2005 - 14:43:09 EDT