Ryan Lee wrote:
> Reto Bachmann-Gmür wrote:
>> Hello
>> I've read http://www.w3.org/2005/04/fresnel-info/manual/ . It says
>> "The result of applying a lens or a group of lenses to an RDF graph is
>> an ordered tree of RDF nodes" however, while I find information how
>> the properties are ordered, I found nothing on how the "top-level"
>> resources are ordered, how does the output of the FOAF-Example in 1.1
>> looks like, when applied to a graph with several foaf:PersonS? Also
>> what's the order of the the properties of same type (multiple
>> foaf:nameS or foaf:knowS).
>> I probably just missed something, so I would be thankful for a pointer.
>> reto
> Hello Reto,
> We opted to avoid the complexity of ordering resources or values in
> Fresnel core. We're open to suggestions on how best to handle the issue
> (extensions, revise core, etc.), it's just that at that time we had
> enough other issues on our plate to deal with without getting into how
> to describe the myriad ways of ordering things. Our sense then was
> basically to let the implementing application handle ordering.
> (So you didn't miss anything.)
If such an ordering is considered useful (for top-level resources, I
mean), I would rather see it in an extension vocabulary.
Emmanuel Pietriga
INRIA Futurs - Projet In Situ tel : +33 1 69 15 34 66
Bat 490, Université Paris-Sud fax : +33 1 69 15 65 86
91405 ORSAY Cedex FRANCE http://www.lri.fr/~pietriga
Received on Sun Feb 19 2006 - 15:06:51 EST