Re: RDF tagged data and Views in Piggy Bank

From: David Huynh <>
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2006 17:12:46 -0500

Anupam Jain wrote:

>I have been using Solvent/Piggy Bank for quite sometime trying to make and use
>I had two questions :
>1) Is there anyway I can access the 'pure' information directly ? (without using
>Piggy Bank). For example, Can I view the html page with 'tagged RDF data' or
>the RDF Model itself? The reason I ask that is, suppose I want to do more
>advanced processing with the extracted data, if I have the data in my own
>database, for example, then it would be easier for me to process it.
There is no API to that data inside Piggy Bank. But for any view of the
data, you can get out the RDF by expanding the Commands tab and clicking
Export. Actually, that Export command simply points your browser to the
same Piggy Bank URL that you are seeing, but with one URL parameter
changed (command=browse -> command=export).


>2) I have been playing around with the 'Views' in piggy bank but could not
>really get them working/get to know what they are about. I dont think there is
>still a documentation for that. Can you breifly tell me, what do they actually
Received on Sat Feb 11 2006 - 22:09:36 EST

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