Re: PiggyBank install feedback

From: Stefano Mazzocchi <>
Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 12:07:56 -0700

Michael McDougall wrote:
> Alf Eaton wrote:
>> On 05 Oct 2005, at 08:32, David Huynh wrote:
>>> OK, I can see that Save? Persist? Publish? sounds a bit like Abort?
>>> Retry? Failure? :-) We'll do something about it.
>> That would be useful - I still have no idea what Persist does, and
>> most people probably aren't using Publish, at least at first.
> I'll back that up too. I wasn't clear what Persist and Publish do, and
> since I was browsing RDF data that is private to my company I was scared
> to just press them and see what happened (though I did anyway).

There are 4 stages for content in the piggy-bank/semantic-bank
ecosystem, 2 on piggy-bank's end and 2 on semantic-bank's end.

  1) collected -> the data is collected from the web site, transformed
accordingly to scrapers or various of our RDFizing tools and stored in a
temporary location for the entire browsing session. When the browser is
shut down that data is cleaned up. This action is triggered by clicking
on the data coin.

  2) saved -> the data is copied from the collected stage into the local
persistent triple store in your firefox. This is stored on your local
disk, one per firefox profile. This is triggered by pressing the "save"

  3) persisted -> the data is copied from the local profile store into
your private semantic bank account(s), this data does not get mixed with
everybody's data. This is meant to be a way for you to: a) save your
data in a more persistent way (backup on a server) b) share data from
different browsers on different machines. This is accessed by going to

  [bank URL]/[account-name]

for example my account on the SIMILE semantic bank is

This is triggered by pressing the "persist" button.

  4) publish -> the data is copied from the local profile store into
your semantic bank account(s) but then it's also copied in the "global"
bank store, for everybody else to consume (the one that you see on the
main semantic bank page). This is triggered by pressing the "publish"
button. Note that publishing does persisting automatically.

I always thought that "persist" should be call "deposit", but some here
argue that the bank metaphore is being stretched a little bit thin
already, since there is no notion of "sharing your money" in a bank.

Suggestions, comments are appreciated.

> Other comments:
> - The metaphor seems a little discontinuous to me. When I click the "RDF
> coin" the animation (nice, BTW) shows RDF coins going into a slot--it
> looks like the RDF (coin) is being stored in my DB (piggy bank). But
> then on the next page I find out this isn't the case--I still need to
> save things before the data is *really* stored in my piggy bank. I could
> see how people may assume the data is stored in the bank already and
> "Save" means save the item to a file.

Hmmm, good point actually. Hmmm maybe we could have the coin fall from
the sky and pile up instead and having the "save all content in this
page" (see below) use the 'coins in the slot' one. Warning, I think we
are approaching very fast my abilities as an icon designer btw :-)

> - Maybe make the "Save All" button more prominent. I've been playing
> with Piggy Bank for a couple of days and I just found it. Now that I
> found it it's only a click away, but I expect most of my RDF gathering
> to be of the form: 1. Click coin, 2. Click "save all", 3. Go back to
> browsing. It would be nice if Piggy Bank was optimized for that sequence
> of actions (though maybe most users will want to pick and choose what
> they save).

We could have a "save all tidbits on this page" menu item + keyboard
shortcut. (or maybe a right-click context menu on top of the data coin?)

> - Piggy Bank no longer conflicts with find-as-you-type. Thanks.

cool, I have to admit I fixed it but forgot to test it, so you are lucky
it works :-) (it was a trivial fix, btw, we were stopping the keypressed
even bubbling (and for no real reason).

Stefano Mazzocchi
Research Scientist                 Digital Libraries Research Group
Massachusetts Institute of Technology            location: E25-131C
77 Massachusetts Ave                   telephone: +1 (617) 253-1096
Cambridge, MA  02139-4307              email: stefanom at mit . edu
Received on Wed Oct 05 2005 - 19:03:00 EDT

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